If you want to be happy, think feast instead of famine.

It’s hard to be happy when you’re just seeing what’s lacking, yet this is the default setting for many of us. But it doesn’t have to be this way anymore. Remember, it’s your choice whether you see feast or famine.

And it’s not only on how you look at things, it’s also where you’re looking from that determines whether you see feast or famine. Shifting from only thinking with your brain to thinking with your heart gets you beyond “I don’t have enough” to “I already have everything I need.”

Being in Heart lets you be happy and live a fulfilling life because your heart has a feast mindset. Heart emphatically states there is more than enough to go around.

It’s Heart that urges you to focus on your life’s abundance. To look at all there is, both big and small. Look at the beautiful trees and flowers in nature, the warm sun beaming down on you, and the bright blue sky. Look at your inviting home, your caring friendships, and the loving people who help you every day.

When you take in the feast life offers, it’s easier to be happy. And in the awareness of plenty, you can relax and enjoy life. Heart shows you abundance, especially in yourself. You don’t just have more than enough – you are more than enough.

Tapping into Heart allows you to see your big capacity to love, succeed, handle challenges, and have fun. Heart’s emphatic message is that you have everything you need to be happy right now.

Heart happily shows you a world that is loving and giving, instead of cold and antagonistic.

While brain tells you there is never enough to go around, Heart reminds you there is plenty for everybody. When brain says be prepared, Heart says BE HERE.

You have a choice to replace your famine based thinking with feast based thinking. But because you might be more accustomed to think with a famine mind set, choosing feast may feel strained and naïve at first. But don’t take your brain’s word for it: there are things Heart knows that brain doesn’t.

In order to ensure survival, your brain has evolved a famine mindset. Better to prepare for the worst, than to risk starvation should a famine occur. Better safe than sorry. While this mental adaptation probably saved the lives of your ancestors, it over-reaches now.

Even when your refrigerator (and freezer!) are full, your brain still has you thinking that you don’t have enough. That’s your brain’s default setting. You’re so accustomed to worrying about not having enough that you may not even notice how this thought runs your life. Think of how much time you spend worrying about things running out, like money, time, good health, status, and recognition.

Left to its own devices, unopposed brain will leave you thinking that you’ll never have enough. Yet within each of us is a complementary force that we can call on to get beyond brain’s ingrained famine mindset – and that’s Heart.

When you think with Heart’s mindset of abundance, there’s no end to your feeling joy and giving. It’s easy to see feast instead of famine when you’re in Heart. And it’s easier to be happy too.

Start your day with this Heart moment and repeat as needed:

Let me hold my Heart in my mind today. Let me accept Heart’s help to show me all I already have and all I have to offer.

Give it a try and let me know how you feel in the comment section below.

Heartfelt wishes,